
In a lovely lazy Sunday, so it seems only right to photograph the easiest celestial target in the sky! Taken with a Lunt 50mm Double stacked solar telescope which sits on top of my main observatory telescope for days such as today 🙂

20160724 Sun

It’s a long way to Winton!

Out intrepid team of Astronomers recently travelled to the Queensland Outback to look for evidence that the circular feature that I identified in 2013 using Google Earth is a meteorite impact site and not just a hole in the ground!


That’s Pranvera Hyseni, Rob Black and myself weeding out meteor-rights from Meteor-wrongs over lunch.

So is it or isn’t it? Well we think it is, but it’s not as easy as that – to be formally recognised there needs to be a published peer reviewed scientific paper confirming it and that isn’t going to happen in a hurry! So in the mean time here is my write up in progress: